Serialization For Warehouse Management :Steps And Benefits


Warehouse management systems allow companies to keep track of their inventory and improve the efficiency of their supply chain. However, with serialization implementation,  the system has a serial number assigned to each product they store, allowing them to know exactly where the product is located in their warehouse. If there are issues with products being damaged or misplaced, it can easily be tracked down.

What is Serialization for Warehouse management?

Serialization in warehouse management ensures that all products have a unique ID and that no duplicate IDs exist within the system, so that you never have to worry about your stock going missing or getting damaged. Mostly good inventory software companies are providing the given blow measures to take control of your warehouse under the umbrella of serialization.


  • Inventory with two entries

Most of the big software companies are providing unique double-entry inventory management system ensures complete traceability from supplier to customer. Nothing is misplaced; everything is relocated.

  • Using the barcode scanner on your mobile device

We are scanning merchandise in your warehouse. Wherever you are, you can access your dashboards and track orders.

  • Posted transactions have been corrected.

The new lock/unlock button allows you to update any transaction (picking, manufacturing order) after submitting it.

  • User Interface in the Modern Era

A modern inventory management user interfaces with a fast user interface. With or without barcode scanners, get more work done with less effort.

  • Flexible

Activate features to manage a single inventory or a complicated multi-warehouse system.

  • Orders for Delivery (Basic Operations)

With or without barcode scanners, pack orders and deliver. Mostly reputed firms create delivery orders for you based on your preferences and availability.

Below are more steps to make your warehouse management system more effective.

Steps to Make Warehouse House Management System More Effective?

Inventory Revisions

Make an inventory for a zone, a specific product, a lot, or a pallet/box, and Mostly reputed firms will calculate cycle counts for you.

Various Locations

To structure your warehouse, employ hierarchical locations such as zones, rows, and shelves.

Stock In and Out Control

Control arriving products and compare them to what the supplier ordered. You can pack products with a single click and assign barcodes to packs for convenient order tracking.

Drop-shipping using Advanced Routing

Based on products, orders, or customers, deliver directly from your provider to customers.


With little to no storage in between, unload incoming goods and move them immediately to outbound gates.

Techniques for storing and removing items

Define your storage and removal methods, such as FIFO, nearest available zone, life, and so on.

Choose, pack, and ship.

Create your order workflow. We can serve customers in one step (delivery order) or multiple steps (picking, packaging, and shipping).

Routes that are both push and pull

To automate orders between warehouses or locations, create your product routes.

Serialization in Multi-Warehouses

Using the same system, you can manage all of your warehouses and establish replenishment policies for each one.

Scanners for Productivity Barcodes

The unified UI is very nice. Barcode scanners should be used for all inventory operations, including inventories, inbound shipments, packing orders, and so forth.

Only use the scanner to scan the products and confirm their receipt or shipment (no keyboard needed). EAN13 and EAN14 are supported.

Customer Service Portal

Your customers can check the status of their orders on the customer portal, including orders, invoices, and delivery order status.

Custom Alerts Define alerts on items or suppliers that should appear when a salesperson is preparing a quote.

Smart Scheduling Software

Based on product availability and order projections, Mostly reputed firms’ schedulers will automatically activate all activities for you.

Serialized vs. Non-Serialized

It would help if you used serialized or non-serialized models for all physical inventory items you want to track in your system or  want Serialization For Warehouse Management.

Each with its unique barcode, individual serial units are used in serialized inventory models, and individually bar-coded units are not included in non-serialized inventory models.

Here is no correct or incorrect method for classifying inventory models as serialized or non-serialized. It’s totally up to you and your company’s operations to decide which items should be serialized and which should be non-serialized. The rules provided here are intended to serve as examples of how each type of item functions in Flex.

Serialization Models For Warehouse Management

Serialized Model Example

A loudspeaker is a nice example of a serialized inventory model. If you establish a serialized inventory model for an EAW loudspeaker in your system, you’ll see a tab labelled “Serial Numbers” on the inventory model page:

Each EAW loudspeaker in your warehouse is assigned a serial number and a unique barcode. When you send any of these loudspeakers out on a job, you’ll scan the unique barcode on each one, allowing you to keep track of where each one is at all times.

Non-Serialized Model Example

An XLR audio signal cable is a nice example of a non-serialized type. You won’t see a “Serial Numbers” tab on the inventory model page if you build a non-serialized inventory model for a 10-foot XLR cable in your Flex system. We will create one barcode, and one will govern every wire in your inventory.

The Qty. tab displays the total number of items in each location. The first figure (On-Hand) represents the current amount in your warehouse, while the second (Allocated) represents the overall amount you own. By pressing the Modify QUANTITIES button at the bottom of the screen, you can change the quantity of a non-serialized model.

Benefits of Serialization For Warehouse Management

Serialized inventory monitoring is beneficial for a variety of reasons. Let’s look at some of the circumstances when this method yields the best results.

  • Warranty and Guarantees

Serialized inventory or serialization For warehouse management  is crucial if you sell products with guarantees and warranties.

Each product is granted a unique serial number that allows you to track when it is sold. Because you’ll know when we purchased the product, warranty repairs and faults will be easier to trace. Because warranties and guarantees are time-sensitive, serialized inventory helps you immediately determine whether the product is still under warranty.

  • Ownership Proof

Serial numbers are an excellent way to establish ownership in the event of theft, loss, or other problems.

VINs are unique identifiers for automobiles. Serial numbers, for example, are used to monitor firearms. The serial numbers simplify identifying a specific item if it is lost or stolen.

Serialization in inventory tracking provides one more layer of security for the owner if there’s a loss or problem.

  • Quality Assurance

When it comes to issues like quality control, serialized inventory monitoring can make things easier.

No matter how careful you are, you will make mistakes. You may end up with a batch of products that all have the same defect. Perhaps a component was defective. Perhaps there was a problem with the machining. Whatever the reason, you’ll need to be able to retrieve those things quickly, so they don’t end up being dispatched to customers.

This is made easy by serial numbers. You can keep track of individual goods, batches, and so forth. It will be easy to identify products that have quality control issues.

  • Recalls of Products

These same serial numbers will make processing a product recall easier if defective items make it out into the world. Rather than initiating a blanket recall, you can concentrate on products that fall into the defective category.

We can see this in action with automobiles.

When a manufacturer issues a recall, having the VINs of impacted vehicles makes it easier to contact owners, schedule repairs, and manage all of the recall’s other crucial components.

  • When Oversight or Compliance with Governmental Requirements are required

To comply with governmental or other regulatory standards, you may be obliged to produce unique serial numbers for tracking products.

This is especially true when it comes to weaponry and medicine. Each firearm must carry a serial number so that if it is used in a crime, stolen, or lost, it may be traced back to its original owner.

Serial numbers are required for medical products in the event of a recall or a problem with the item after it has been acquired.

Serialized inventory numbers make it easier to trace the goods once it leaves your warehouse and is delivered to the owner in each of these circumstances.

  • When Should Serial Numbers Be Used?

You’re probably asking when you should employ serialized inventory tracking at this stage.

Taking things on a case-by-case basis is the best way. Serialization in inventory tracking adds a few extra steps to your inventory management systems, as well as some extra costs. Beyond that, it isn’t required for a wide range of products.

When dealing with high-value products, companies profit from employing serial numbers for tracking in the fullest sense. Unique serial numbers are beneficial to cellphones, laptops and tablets, game consoles, guns, and other items of a similar sort.

Serialized inventory management systems will make your life easier if you sell these products or products that you may need to track for warranty and recall purposes or products subject to governmental or regulatory oversight.

There is no one-size-fits-all list of situations where serial numbers can help your company. The ideal way is to assess each of the products you sell individually, taking into account its value as well as the other factors we’ve discussed and making a decision for each one.

  • Selecting the Most Appropriate Software Package

It’s critical to select the appropriate software for the job. Because there are so many platforms and packages to choose from, researching what they do and what features they offer is a smart place to start. Look at how they handle serial number tracking and, if possible, request a demo. The majority of goods provide video demonstrations of their key features.

If you want to leverage mobile technology, ensure that the platform you choose can handle the task.

  • Greater visibility and more compact groupings

Having all of your goods visible and well organized pays off big time. Groupings are easier to achieve and more effective for forecasting and overall management when serial numbers are tracked. It is possible to achieve everything from connecting comparable goods to the behaviour of specific inventory groupings.

  • Understanding the Personality of Your inventory

You could say that serial numbering aids in identifying your inventory’s personality. As if it was a name badge, with the most crucial information on the bottom. The more information you have about your inventory, the better you’ll be able to plan and make modifications to make the most of it.

  • History that is complete and accurate

Serial numbers make it simple to learn about a part’s or products whole history. This is a huge benefit for any company that uses previous data for forecasting or implementing product recalls. According to leading inventory management software suppliers, this is a simple and user-friendly task.

  • Errors in data entry are reduced.

One of the most effective strategies to reduce data entry and errors is to track serial numbers. Every transfer, sale, or order is more accurate and better regulated now that each product or item is numbered. The combination of mobile and barcode technologies optimizes serial number usage, which is especially beneficial for manufacturing companies or those with a wide variety of inventory.

  • Warehouse management that is efficient and streamlined

In a business’s warehouse, there’s generally a lot going on. Even tiny firms face challenges; thus, new systems always seek to improve operations’ efficiency and effectiveness. Serialization in inventory tracking is one of the most effective ways to eliminate errors and boost efficiency.

  • Processed Goods

Serial number tracking is a critical tool for manufacturing companies. From the beginning to the end of the manufacturing process, it enables accurate tracking, transportation, and order. It permits the implementation of techniques such as Just-In-Time manufacturing, which relies on the ability to move or order production-related products at precisely the correct time.

  • Processes that follow the sale

Another significant benefit is the processes and actions that occur following the transaction. If a part is defective or a product is returned, the relevant information is quickly accessible, accurate, and full.

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