How to Make Customers for your Small Business?

I have been asked this question many times.

“What is the most difficult thing about starting a business?”

Well, my answer is obviously “Making customers”.

This is particularly true when you are making a startup on small scale and have a limited budget. Having a great product or service is not enough, a significant number of potential customers are necessary for your sales.

You can’t plan a party without guests. Well I know acquiring customer is a hard task. Yet if you follow these simple and effective tips of mine maybe you could able to generate some potential prospects for your business.

Make a Proper Plan

First, you need to understand who can be the ideal customers. If you have to sell to business, ponder what department is most likely going to buy your products. Conclude the buying cycle of the product by determining that buying your product is a decision that can be made swiftly or people take time. If selling involves multiple individuals then the buying cycle is a little long.

After that think how typical buyer finds products like yours. What circles do they work in? Are they active on social media? Where do the look when they want such products? Note all this information and analyze the patterns. Now plan your efforts where the people in your target market find your information useful for them and can take a quick decision to buy your product.

Develop Relations

Don’t just start selling your product right after you greet them “Hello”. Instead, try to build relationships. Relationships take time. It is better to know your customer and his need so you can work to provide the expected solution.

Keep up with the client’s company and cater your offers and services accordingly. Happy and satisfied clients are more likely to make referrals.

Read Newspaper Regularly

Though it’s a digital age still classified newspaper and magazines are an incredible source of contact information that will lead to potential customers. Watch for people who have opened new businesses, those who are looking for same services that you provide or in any way can be your potential customers.

Contact these people with personalized mails and tell them how your services can fulfill their needs. Include your company name, slogan, and vision plus the product information with your signature.

Follow-up brings Fortune

You are going to hear “NO” a lot of times. This “NO” can turn to “Yes” if you won’t give up. This “No” can only for some time or some reason at that time. But let me tell you 80% sales are not made on the first contact. Just because there is a “NO” today, necessarily mean there will be a “NO” tomorrow as well. The trick is not to get annoyed and follow up in a decent manner.

Keep track of your communication with prospects and leads using some sort of CRM database tool. Create reminders to follow up with those who said “NO”.

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