
Three Basic Financial Statements That Will Help You To Grow

To make certain decisions in business for investing and managing resources we need to have proper details of each and every part of business incoming and outgoing funds. All this information must be analyzed on the monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. Three basics reports are generated for this purpose Cash Flow, Income Statement, and Balance …

Three Basic Financial Statements That Will Help You To Grow Read More »


An account management or manager is a person who works for a company and is responsible for the management of sales, and relationships with particular customers. An account manager maintains the company’s existing relationships with a client or group of clients so that they will continue using the company for business. So, Following are some …


Employee TimeSheet

It is an entry form for recording the amount of worker’s time spent on each job. Traditionally it was available in tabular format. But in this era, timesheet is now often in digital document or spreadsheet. It is beneficial for the small and large scale of businesses as well.  Normally, timesheets are weekly and sometimes …

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