What is Account Based Marketing?

Account Based MarketingAccount-based marketing is a particularly useful for organizations with multiple buyers or stakeholders. It’s a strategic approach for business marketing in which an organization considers and communicates with individual prospect or customer accounts as markets of one.

It can help the companies to increase the account relevance, to engage earlier and higher with deals, to align up the marketing activities with account strategies, to get the best value out of marketing and to inspire the customers with compelling content.

Procedural Guide for Account Based Marketing:

 Following six points provide you the ultimate guide to account-based marketing:

  • Identify your Target:

Identify your Target

Finding your target audience is a fundamental piece of successful marketing. Remember that, you are dealing with organizations here, not people. So, don’t get this step confused with developing personas. For identifying your target accounts, you have to make a collaborative effort between marketing and sales that will require the data from both areas; firmographic data, which consists of things like industry, company size, location, and annual revenue, and strategic factors, like market influence, likelihood of repeat purchase, and expected profit margin etc.

  • Research your Accounts:

Once you determine who your targets are, being familiar with elements like the company structure and who the critical players are can, in turn, dictate that how you can convey your product or service to those targets, especially if you know who the decision-makers and influencers are.

But if you don’t already have that information on hand, manual research might be required to get it. We find that LinkedIn is an excellent way to uncover that data with a fairly simple advanced search. You can start up your search by opening up an advanced people search. Then, enter the name of your target the “Company” box. If you’re trying to find out who fills a certain role within the organization, put that in the “title box.” Be sure to set both the company and title to current.

  • Create your Content:

Now that you’ve got the names of the key players within each account, you’ll want to create new content for them. That content should speak not only to the pain points of those specific employees but more to those specific businesses.

With this step, you might start to see how ABM and inbound marketing are able to work together, as it’s clear that quality, compelling content plays a role in reaching your account based marketing.

  • Choose your Channels:

Even with the best content to reach your accounts, it won’t be very effective if you don’t use the right channels to promote it. It’s important to choose the right channels to deliver it, based on what’s most effective for a given organization or role. You can choose the center demographics of social media platforms which people are most likely using and how they consume the content you are custom- creating for each of them.

  • Run your Campaign:

Running your campaign will require lots of care. You have to coordinate your messaging across the various channels.  you don’t want to send different signals to the same person within a target account. That’s a big problem for many B2B marketers is unlike consumer marketers who have millions of potential customers and B2B marketers have a limited number of potential buyers.”

  • Measure your Results:

Every campaign needs to have its results measured properly, especially with methodologies that are somewhat new. You have to ask the right questions when you’re measuring the results of an ABM campaign; these might include:

  • Are we growing our list of known individuals within the target account based marketing?
  • Have there been any changes to the way these accounts are engaging with our brand and its content?
  • How much revenue have we generated from these target accounts?

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