When a woman buys!


You are a salesperson and meet a female customer who makes your sales challenging. She bargains so much, she is dissatisfied or maybe you have taken her for granted for being a female customer. Dude, you are on a wrong track!

When a female customer is dissatisfied then there is a definite chance that your sales may drop to 0%. You need to open your eyes and realize that your biggest customer group is the woman. Either they are buying for themselves or their men. She is the one who is going to recommend your product to other women by enchanting them with your exceptional services and respectful behavior and last but not least your amazing discount offer.

I am a woman. Trust me when I go to shopping and find a salesperson showing care and respect for me I defiantly prefer buying from him. Last week I went to buy shoes from a shop in town I heard offering a discount. Well, I went with the intention of buying two pairs. The sale was good! But the sales boy showed me some more pair of shoes that he think I could prefer from my recent preference.

He gently persuaded me for one more pair, I rejected it. Then one more, I rejected it too. Then one more, telling that this sale is the only chance where you can get such fabulous shoes at reasonable price. I bought it. I rejected almost 10 to 12 pair.

Yet when I came out of the shop I had bought 5 pairs. I wonder that the sales boy didn’t get annoyed of my open rejections. He knew that I am very fond of shoes. Well, every woman is. But maybe he came to know that I can be molded with a good attitude steadily.

I am not lying at all trust me when I got back to my home. I told my sister to must pay a visit before the sale is closed. Then I called my friend to tell about the shopping. Later in the evening, she told me she also went there and bought shoes for her. The next day I told my work fellow about the experience. She decided to pay a visit after the off from the office.

The purpose of telling all this is that women don’t make decisions when it comes to buying. So don’t cut short them. They just want to be treated with respect and courtesy. They want the salesperson to take interest in what they prefer to buy. They want to help them to select a product that meets their needs.

A happy and satisfied woman stepping out of your shop is now going to be your brand advocate without investing any extra money. Just invest respect and a little courtesy and in my case a little humor to cool down my temper for a high price.

Have a good Day.

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