Customer Retention… How to Bring Back the Lost Sheep?



What? You lost a customer? Well that is a real disappointment for your business. You know customers are valuable but failing to attend to customer relationship is devastation. Didn’t you put up any strategy for your customers retention? Oh you did. But you didn’t truly understand the implication. Hold on! Don’t worry I will be guiding you about the most provoking strategies of customer retention.

Extraordinary Customer Service 

  • Have you responded your customer immediately?
  • Are you delivering what you have promised?

Well dedication to customer’s satisfaction is one of the key factors for your business fortune. With a promising pursuit of excellence to keep customers so happy that they become your fans and convince others that how doing business with you is a blessing. Having an error free customer service process and delivering extraordinary services higher than the expected level of the customers is defiantly a very plus point for the rapid growth of your business.

Service Integrity

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” Douglas Adams

Listen! Taking ethical shortcuts will never bring you customer retention and long term success. Service integrity determines how you handle your service consistently according to the customers’ expectations.  The quality, design, functionality and of your product or service must be of the standard of customer’s hopes.

Frequent Communication

Yes! It is necessary. You must need to keep in touch with your customers to avoid losing them and try to build a close relationship. Program a sequence of phone calls, emails, letters, special offers, and member ship cards and follow ups that come in pre-sale and post-sale process. It is acknowledged by the customers and keeps them updated and informed and remove their post purchase worries and doubts as they feel important and valued. Your regular communication will reinforce the reason to come back to you again and again.

Lifetime Values

Customer Retention... How to Bring Back the Lost Sheep

Usually business people think that one-off profit average sale is a loss but ignores the bigger picture of the total aggregate profit your customer can give you for the lifetime of their relationship with your business. So don’t be upset and just think for the collective benefits and profits the customer is going to give you by purchasing again and again over the time. You will later come to know the importance of taking good care of them and your effort and expenses in retaining that customer is somehow less than your marketing expenditure.

Complaint is the Key

They just walk off and you never know why. This is because most of the unhappy and dissatisfied people do not complain they simply switch to other services. But the customers who are willing to go for your services will make a complaint. Complaints give you an opportunity to return them to satisfaction and make them happy to gain their loyalty. So instead of being bothered take their complaints as gift and try to resolve their issue as soon as possible to have their faith in your services.

Hope my simple but acute tips of customer retention will help you to bring back the lost sheep. Have a good day!