8 Reasons Not to Go for Cold Calling Anymore

No more cold callingSorry for being straight forward but Cold Calling is a total waste. It is the most ineffective prospecting strategy and irritates buyers instead of generating a lead.  

Sales attempts are of two types:

Cold: Prospect does not want to hear from the sales representative they don’t know.

Hot: Prospect know the sales representative and trust him and look forward to his calls.

Cold calling is not just about the phone calls. It also encompasses the emails, direct mail, and social media or even knocks at the door. Without any referral the approach to the prospects which he is not expecting could be a horrible experience for sales representative.

It’s Annoying

If you call your prospect randomly, it frustrates them. Honestly, it doesn’t make them happy. It will certainly not earn any respect or admiration for sales representative. It bounces back a very unpleasant response.

Most of the time the annoyed prospect screen out you call to avoid. The phone call is received only if it is pre-scheduled on a convenient time. Otherwise the sales representative just keep calling to the prospect and no one’s answer which is a total waste of time.

Spoils Selling Relationships

Selling is about building healthy and lasting relationships with customers. Well, there is nothing personal about cold calling but trust me it is an intrusive lead generation approach. It is not really the fault of sales representative. Organizations think that cold calling is a good selling strategy.  They establish a separate booth where they have to make calls all day, every day.

It’s Inefficient

If cold calling is annoying prospects and they are ignoring your calls then this old-school method is no more efficient now. According to a survey only 2% of cold calls resulted in convincing the customer for just an appointment, not even a closed sale. More than 80 % of buyers don’t buy from a cold call.

No more in Trend

There were times when means of communications were only limited to telephone, telegraph and direct mails. At that time the sales representatives were the only source of information. But now customers go online to search any information about the products, companies, reviews, prices and competitors. They don’t need Sales represent calling them anymore.

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